Recipe detail

Beef Emincé à l'arlésienne

20. 8. 2021

Author: Retigo Team Deutschland

Company: RETIGO Deutschland GmbH

Food category: Beef

Cuisine: French

Program steps

  • Preheating:
  • 220 °C

To view the entire table, move the table to the right.

Zwiebeln anbraten

25 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:05 hh:mm
probe icon 220 °C
ventilator icon 90 %
ventilator icon 

Wenden, Gemüse mit anbraten

25 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:05 hh:mm
probe icon 220 °C
ventilator icon 90 %
ventilator icon 

Tomaten zugeben und dünsten

20 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:15 hh:mm
probe icon 120 °C
ventilator icon 90 %
ventilator icon 

Emincés ziehen lassen

25 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:20 hh:mm
probe icon 80 °C
ventilator icon 90 %
ventilator icon 

Ingredients - number of portions - 10

Name Value Unit
beef 1800 g
onion 200 g
aubergine 200 g
tomato 300 g
green paprika 150 g
clarified butter 100 g
sea-salt 15 g
whole black pepper 3 g
garlic 10 g
fresh thyme 2 g
sprig of parsley 10 g

Nutrition and allergens

Minerals: Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, I, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Se, Zn
Vitamins: A, B, C, E, K, Kyselina listová

Nutritional value of one portion Value
Energy 415.1 kJ
Carbohydrate 5.8 g
Fat 24.5 g
Protein 46 g
Water 0 g


*Boiled, stewed, braised beef cut into 1 cm thick slices
The combi steamer together with a coated GN container for about 10 minutes
preheat. Then put the onions with clarified butter in the container and leave for 5
Fry for minutes at 220°C with a humidity of 25% in combination steam mode at one
Fan speed of 90%. Turn the onions, add the eggplant and peppers
and let it fry for another 5 minutes. Season and add the tomato strips and
Let it steam for 15 minutes in a combination steam at 120°C, 20% humidity, 90% fan speed, then perfume with herbs and pour over the slices of meat while it is boiling hot.
which are available in another coated container. These warm in the combi steamer
Allow to steep at 80°C combined steam with 20% humidity for 20 minutes at 90% fan speed.