Recipe detail

Breakfast Brioche

25. 3. 2021

Author: Vlastimil Jaša

Company: Retigo

Food category: Breakfast

Cuisine: French

Program steps

  • Preheating:
  • 230 °C

To view the entire table, move the table to the right.

Hot air
100 %
time icon Termination by time
time icon 00:15 hh:mm
probe icon 205 °C
ventilator icon 100 %
ventilator icon 

Ingredients - number of portions - 10

Name Value Unit
plain flour 00 0.45 kg
water 0.18 l
vegetable oil 0.03 l
dried baker's yeast 0.03 kg
caster sugar 0.03 kg
salt 0.03 kg
chicken eggs 2 pcs

Nutrition and allergens

Allergens: 1, 3
Minerals: Ca, Co, Cr, Cu, F, Fe, I, K, Mg, Mn, Na, P, Se, Zn
Vitamins: A, B, C, D, E, K, Kyselina listová

Nutritional value of one portion Value
Energy 178.4 kJ
Carbohydrate 34.9 g
Fat 0.6 g
Protein 6.7 g
Water 0 g


First, we make a "leaven" in a bowl. In a large bowl, mix the flour, yeast and milk until the mixture is evenly mixed. Cover with a towel or foil and put in a warm place for at least half an hour. The yeast will run out and have bubbles in it.

Add the eggs to the finished sourdough and mix them thoroughly until the mixture is completely smooth. In a separate bowl, mix flour, sugar, salt and gradually add to yeast and eggs. Mix everything together (it will be stiff) until the dough is evenly moistened. Let the dough rest for 5 minutes.

Gradually add butter to the dough in four smaller portions. Just knead the dough with a wooden spoon or in a food processor. The butter takes a while to combine with the dough. Once it is smooth, it needs to be properly kneaded for another ten minutes.

With your hands on the floured roll (don't overdo the flour!), you can continue the robot just like that. The finished dough is soft, still moist, and at the same time it comes away nicely from the walls of the container. Prepare a lightly oiled bowl and place the finished dough in it. Cover and leave to rise in a warm place until the dough has doubled in size.

Then turn the dough onto a roll and divide it into 70g portions with a sharp knife. Pinch the dough with your fingers as if you wanted to wrap your thumb in it and firmly press (pinch) the ends on one side. We roll beautiful balls without visible seams, which we place on the GN Vision Bake (don't forget to leave enough gaps, at least 5 cm).

There they have to leave covered again and it will take them about an hour.
In the last ten minutes of rising, brush the buns with a beaten egg.

Don't forget to warm up.

Recommended accessories

Vision Bake

Vision Bake